Elizabeth Waiters, PhD, has led and participated in a variety of evaluation and technical assistant projects with foundations, community-based organizations and government agencies. As a Program Director with Prevention Institute, and a Senior Associate with Social Policy Research Associates, she directed an evaluation of the Community United Against Violence’s membership initiative, which sought to create a pipeline of community advocates within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) low-income and communities of color, including Native Americans.
She was a key analyst of a four-year evaluation of the Blue Shield Foundation’s Strong Field Project to End and Prevent Domestic Violence, and worked with a number of domestic violence agencies serving African American, Latino, Native American, Asian American, and immigrant communities throughout the state in this capacity. She managed and was a lead analyst of an evaluation of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Evaluation Fellows Program to build a pipeline of ethnically diverse evaluation professionals.
As a lead evaluator of the Packard, Irvine and Hewlett Foundations’ Community Leadership Project, she worked with several Native American, African American and Latino LGBTQ arts-based organizations to provide guidance to the Foundations on the capacity-building needs of small and mid-size community organizations serving low-income people and communities of color in the San Francisco Bay Area. A credentialed coach, Dr. Waiters has worked with organizations that serve diverse populations (e.g., the LGBTQ, Native American, and at-risk youth communities) dealing with a variety of issues (including community, youth, domestic and sexual violence) as a coach, technical assistance provider and evaluator. Currently consulting on Dr. Lee’s study of social media influences for youth substance use.